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Farooqnadeem's Page

Profile Information

Where do you live?
Your real name? (No pseudonyms, please)
Farooq Nadeem
Which college or university?
NED Engineering College, Karachi
Any fellow Pakistani Alumni living near you?
more than 200
Your graduation date?
April 1974
Your major?
electrical engineering
What do you do for a living?
Any professional affiliations? Memberships in professional orgs?
IEEEP Karachi Chapter, Illumination Society of Pakistan
What have you done for your alma mater lately?
We have registered a trust with the name of NED Global and we have approximately Rs500,000/= in that account but nothing concrete has been done so far.
Tell us about you:
Graduated from NED in the year 1974. Joind KANUPP and then started own contracting company and started business in the relevant field. We do have a gathering of at least 50 plus electrical engineers of our batch at least once a year when some of our dear classfelows visits karachi. Riaz ul Haq, Rashid Yousuf, Shareef my classfellow who were seen in thepictures. In Karachi we have registered a trust in the name of NED global and are planning to start some positive work for NED. In this regard we met VC of NED and DR Shams and other senior people in NED, but nothing very concrete has come out from that Trust, although we have generated some funds too. probably we are shy because we dont want the programme do not continue once started. So we need advises from all those NEDians who cares for NED and what to do? Our class fellow Mohammad Khurshid is the president of this Trust for the time being and we have a council of 10 NEdians to run the show first 2 years and then we will have elections. I hope to have input frm all NEDians. We, the classfellows of our batch has made a site tteaddress of which is ned1974electrical@groups.msn.com
What are your hobbies?
parties, meeting people
Favorite Music:
old Indian songs
Favorite TV Shows:
Loose talk,

Comment Wall (2 comments)

At 12:01am on February 4, 2008, Muhammad Salman Lone said…
yup im intrested in the volunter work of IEEE could u tell me the work profile im a fresh graduate on NED (electronics) my e-mail id is salman.lone@gmail.com
At 6:01pm on August 1, 2010, Riaz Haq said…
I bid you a tearful goodbye as you go to heaven, my friend!

May Allah reward you for being a sincere friend and generous helper to many.

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