I am not sure weather these thoughts would be acceptable for this site but I can't help my self not sharing it. I don’t know if it’s just me or other people feels the same way too. If we look around our selves and want to find the rational explanation of what is happening in our society, like the mayhem happend yesterday, its getting very obvious that we are on the verge of collapse, every thing seems so fallen apart from top to bottom. As a society we have never been divided as of today, in every aspect of life. I was browsing through Karachi & Islamabad Metroblog the other day, which is a blog site dedicated to current affairs of major metropolitan cities of the world, it was amazing to read peoples opinion about the current situation. It also revealed a very alarming pattern of ideological differences that was never so intense & marked before or at least not at this level. May be it is the reflection of the global change that is happening around us or sign of the beginning of the end. What ever it is, one thing is very clear, that we are loosing the mediocrity, as a nation and as an individual. I hate to use word extreme because this term has been abused so much that it has lost its meaning now & feels like a propaganda word but truly we have two dominant school of thoughts in our society now, Extremely religious (with customized version of religion) or extremely secular (almost atheist). Its hard to believe that those people who managed to survive the English reign, were able to save their faith & religion under Hindu domination are now questioning each others credibility as a Muslim in a Muslim state. I still remember when I was growing up; we never had these kinds of issues like we are facing today. No one was blowing any one because of the differences in beliefs and sects. The sense of co-existence and respect of each others life, ideology, opinion, faiths & beliefs had some meaning then. I don’t know what happen in the last 10-15 years. Seems like we lost the last bit of tolerance we ever had. West condemned us as a fundamentalist society but the irony is we are nothing but fundamentalists, in fact we were never been so far from fundamentals of our religion as we are now. The so called torch bearers of religion had made this great & simple religion so complex and complicated that it has become a source of confusion rather than source of truth and salvation, Nauzobillah. I am a firm believer that religion can never be a threat to a society if it is practiced in its true form, specially our religion, ISLAM which is nothing but mercy from the Creator, Subhano Tala on its creation. On the other hand we have so called progressive & enlightened people, who are so obsessed with west that they totally forgot about their identity, values and beliefs. It feels like they are so ashamed of who they are that they will not think twice to be called Tom & Dick if they are given the chance to. I don’t know how these odds will be overcome, how this fog of hate and intolerance would be cleared but I know one thing, if we didn’t realized the severity of the situation soon and did not do any thing about it, it would be too late & there will be no one to save us, not even ALLAH Subhano Tala because He only help those who help them selves.