Detox & Rehabs Karachi | Multan | Islamabad!

Addiction and Mental Illness Touches Every One.
"Alcohol Becoming An Equal Opportunity Destroyer".
Mental Health Emergency and Human Resilience Attorneys
Instant Intelligence For Your Wisdom! The Present Tense of Pakistan!
A man takes a drink, the drink takes another, and the drink takes the man.
Spread The Word “Addiction — A Chronic Relapsing Brain and Family Disease”
“Addiction is anything we continue to do despite negative consequences; besides
drugs & alcohol, these can include work, food, sex, exercise, parenting, or even cleaning”.

Mental Health Pakistan Accredited MINDS — Optimizing BRAINS For The Present Tense “Fetal Alcohol to Alcoholism Spectrum Disease, Narcotics Drug & Psychotropic Substances Abuse Inpatient / Intensive Outpatient Detox & Rehabs House (KARACHI | MULTAN | ISLAMABAD), Addiction Denial Behaviors Counseling For Change, Effects of Serious Psychiatric Illnesses On Felony / Misdemeanor Offenses, Forensic Mental illness Civil & Criminological Disorders Law Courts Family Inclusive Interventions in lieu of Convictions and A Centre for Peace in Health Care & Back Channel Diplomacy”.

Clinical Negligence Solicitors, Medical Legal Consultants, Expert Witnesses & Reciprocal Referral Relaters!
Specializing in providing Plaintiff and Defense Attorneys with Medical-Legal Consulting and testifying Medical Expert witnesses; providing all services from medical record analysis to deposition and testifying. Working for both Plaintiff and Defense Attorneys and feel strongly about defending Physicians who have not breached the standard of care and protecting those patients who are victims of legitimate malpractice. Additionally, we connect Attorneys with Physicians of all specialties to help them navigate and win their Medical Cases.

Professional Suites!

Consultants Interventionists Clinics!

Comment by Inamullah Ansari on July 3, 2020 at 11:27pm

Legal Advice, Interventions & Counseling:
o Family Law Disputes
o Guardianship & Administration Orders
o Power of Attorneys & Advance Directives
o Child protection matters in the Children's Court
o Complaints about Police or Protective Services Officers
o Human Rights & Discrimination relating to Mental illness
o Infringements / Fines where Mental illness contributed to the alleged Offense(s)
o Criminal matters - Summary Crime where Mental illness is relevant to the alleged offense(s).

We have special expertise in both Muslim and non-Muslim Personal Laws with Special Reference to Matrimony, Inheritance, Marriage, Divorce (Pre-Marriage and Common Law Agreements, Child Support, Parenting, Spousal Support / Alimony, Property Division), Reunion, Maintenance of Wives or Children, Solicits Adoption, Guardianship, Succession, Wills and Estate Planning (Power of Attorneys, Personal Directive; etceteras).


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