Asad Waheed

Profile Information:

Where do you live?
Your real name? (No pseudonyms, please)
Asad Waheed
Which college or university?
Any fellow Pakistani Alumni living near you?
Zohaib Mehtab
Your graduation date?
January 2007
Your major?
Computer and Information Systems
What do you do for a living?
Any professional affiliations? Memberships in professional orgs?
RE(Registered Engineer)
Tell us about you:
I have done my engineering in Computer and Inforamtion Systems,from NED UET in January 2007.
Currently working as a Lecturer in the same department.
What are your hobbies?
Surfing on the net,reading novels,playing computer games
Your favorite books?
All books by Naseem Hijazi
Favorite TV Shows:
I don't watch TV

Comment Wall:

  • Manoj Kumar Bachani

    hello dear , how r u ? i m fine. How's ur teaching going?
  • Manoj Kumar Bachani

    well i need ur little help : can u tell me how many classes of masters are there in a week? may be i go for ME from NED....
  • Manoj Kumar Bachani

  • Furqan

    Walikum Asalam,
    I am fine here in Finland. What about your MS to PhD? ne progress?
  • Muhammad Saqib Ilyas

    Walaikum assalam
    I am doing fine, thanks to your prayers. How about you?
  • Riaz Qamar


    I am fine Alhamdulilah, have settled & the studies have also started. What about your plan to go abroad for Masters? Did you give any english proficiency test?
  • Muhammad Saqib Ilyas

    Two months is a wonderful amount of time to do something with. If you're interested in higher studies, it is time to read some recent top papers in a top conference of your interest area. If you are in the networks area, conferences like ICC 2007 and GlobeCom 2007 would have the papers to read from. Go through each paper to identify: 1- the problem statement, 2- State of the art, i.e., existing solutions and their limitations, 3- Proposed solution, 4- Results attained. Keep a written record of these and maybe you'll find an idea to work on over PhD.
  • Riaz Qamar

    What score did you get? Yes I am with Fahad in U of T. Application deadline for my program was 31st March. You can check the website, different programs may have different deadlines.
  • Muhammad Zeeshan Zia

    salam sir. kya hal hain
  • Riaz Qamar

    When did you give TOEFL/IELTS? Tell me as soon as your result is out. InshALLAH you'll do well.
  • Riaz Qamar

    AssalamO'Alaikum bhai TOEFL score kya raha?
  • Zohaib u. khan

    Asalam e alikum
    h r u .wats goin on. howz uni n speciallly the students.