Riaz Haq commented on Riaz Haq's blog post India in Crisis: Unemployment and Hunger Persist After Waves of COVID
"India ‘clearly has a problem’ finding new drivers for economic growth, JPMorgan’s Jahangir Aziz…"
Riaz Haq commented on Riaz Haq's blog post India Loves Pakistan Tandoori Meat
"Pakistanis' average testosterone level is 635 ng/dl, ranking the 4th highest in the world, after Mongolia (693), Ethiopia (671) and Nigeria…"
Riaz Haq commented on Riaz Haq's blog post Study Says Pakistanis Are Meat Eaters
"Pakistanis' average testosterone level is 635 ng/dl, ranking the 4th highest in the world, after Mongolia (693), Ethiopia (671) and Nigeria…"
Riaz Haq commented on Riaz Haq's blog post Eid-al-Adha Meat-Fest in Pakistan
"Pakistanis' average testosterone level is 635 ng/dl, ranking the 4th highest in the world, after Mongolia (693), Ethiopia (671) and Nigeria…"
Riaz Haq commented on Riaz Haq's blog post Caste Discrimination Rampant Among Silicon Valley Indian-Americans
"Let me state my proposition right off the bat – we Indians are the most racist people on earth! I was reminded of this stark truth when Sam Pitroda made that controversial statement regarding…"
Riaz Haq commented on Riaz Haq's blog post After 73 Years of Independence, Caste-Ridden India Remains Dominated by Minority Brahmins
"Let me state my proposition right off the bat – we Indians are the most racist people on earth! I was reminded of this stark truth when Sam Pitroda made that controversial statement regarding…"
Riaz Haq commented on Riaz Haq's blog post India Leads the World in Racism
"Let me state my proposition right off the bat – we Indians are the most racist people on earth! I was reminded of this stark truth when Sam Pitroda made that controversial statement regarding…"
Riaz Haq commented on Riaz Haq's blog post Are Pakistan's Illiterate Mobile Phone Users Really Illiterate?
"Google adds Urdu to speech-to-text recognition 8/14/2017https://www.theverge.com/2017/8/14/16142786/google-recognises-119-languages-dictation-voice-typingIf you’re too lazy to type,…"
Riaz Haq commented on Riaz Haq's blog post Are Pakistan's Illiterate Mobile Phone Users Really Illiterate?
"Alexa, Google Home and Smartphones Could Make Illiteracy Unimportant - Newsweekhttps://www.newsweek.com/2017/09/22/alexa-google-home-smart-phones-illiteracy-technology-voice-recognition-662282.htmlIn…"
Riaz Haq commented on Riaz Haq's blog post Is Pakistan's Social Sector Making Progress?
"Alexa, Google Home and Smartphones Could Make Illiteracy Unimportant - Newsweekhttps://www.newsweek.com/2017/09/22/alexa-google-home-smart-phones-illiteracy-technology-voice-recognition-662282.htmlIn…"