UK Police Transcripts of Tariq Meer Interrogation on India's RAW's Support of MQM

After the BBC report by Owen Bennett Jones on Indian RAW funding of Pakistan's Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) led by Altaf Hussain living in self-exile in London, some of the transcripts of the London Police interrogations of MQM leaders Tariq Meer and Mohammad Anwar have been leaked.

What began as murder investigation after the London killing of former MQM leader Imran Farooq later expanded to include money laundering after the discovery of several hundred thousand British Pounds in cash at MQM chief Altaf Husain's residence.  It was this turn of events that led to interrogation of Mr. Tariq Mir, the MQM party finance manager in the UK.

The leaked document is about Tariq Mir's interrogation that occurred at Edgware Police Station in London  on May 30, 2012. It refers to a prior interview with Mohammad Anwar, a close confidant of MQM Chief Altaf Husain. Here are some of the key revelations made by Tariq Mir:

1. "Mr. H (Altaf Husain) was getting money from India, H (Altaf Husain) got his money from difference (sic) sources".

2. "The Indian government funded us because they though it was good to support us...I do not remember when I first met with Indians. I did meet them."

3. "First meeting (with the Indians) was in Vienna (Austria) or Rome (Italy). (Muhammad) Anwar and (Hussein?) were present. We had three or four meetings, one was definitely in Rome, one in Vienna, one in Zurich (Switzerland), one in a small city in Austria (Saltsburg); and a meeting in Prague".

4. "Meetings (with the Indians) were held whenever they wanted to meet; the purpose of the meetings was to get to know one another; I believe their names were not the real names, they never gave their identities and ranks. They were from the Indian Intelligence (RAW) as I understood. Research and Analysis Wing. The senior man was high up and had access to senior/prime minister level... I do not remember how much we asked for but I think about $1.5 million...I do not know how much they gave us but it went to Hussein. At some stage our expense (of the Secretariat) were about 100,000 pounds per month. I was aware of aware of a significant increase in funding as a result of the Indian connection "

5. "All the money used to go to Mr. H (Altaf Husain). Or a third thing (source of funds) may have been money or a cheque which is paid to Mr. H. (Altaf Husain). The money would either be transferred to Mr. H. by Hoowala(?). I do not know for sure who facilitated getting the money to Mr. H. It could have come via Mr. (Mohammad) Anwar, because apart from me, Anwar abd Dr. F. (Dr. Imran Farooq) and Anwar knew about the money. No one but the four of us knew about it. So as far as I know, no one else in the party, part from Mr. Anwar, had the money. No one but the four of us knew about it. We did not want it to come out that MQM was receiving (money) from Indians.  It was very secret."

6. "About 800, 000 British Pounds came to MQM" annually via couriers in tranches of less than 10,000 pounds to circumvent the 10,000 pounds cash limit.

7. MQM "sought money from all over. The Indians approached us --questions were asked about people without passports".

8. "In 1995-96, I (Tariq Mir) took over the finances from (Nadeem) Nusrat....that money was coming from India. Mr. (Altaf) Hussein knew about "

Here are some of the images with parts  expunged:

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Views: 1598

Comment by Riaz Haq on June 30, 2015 at 9:22pm

Tariq Mir, Mohammad Anwar of #MQM confessed #Indian #RAW funding; Geo News obtains Met Police document. #AltafHusain

Geo News has obtained a single page of another alleged document of London Metropolitan Police, in which MQM leaders Tariq Mir and Mohammad Anwar confessed of receiving Indian funding.

Sarfraz Merchant, a Karachi trader among six men being investigated by the British investigators for money-laundering with MQM, told Geo News early on Wednesday that he shared the document with two former MQM leaders.

Apparently, one of the two leaders leaked the document in the media, he said.

The document has come to the fore hours after the Met police disowned an alleged confessional statement by MQM senior leader Tariq Mir, saying the document was not part of police record.

The alleged document carries Merchant's pre-interview briefing by the Met Police and elaborates on what lines the investigative authority was probing the money-laundering allegations on MQM.

It also says the large amount of cash were confiscated from a building associated with MQM and a significant amount of assets identified in the UK.

“All or part of the cash and assets are believed to represent funds provided to MQM by the Indian government or other unlawful activity,” says the document.

“There is evidence that Mr Hussain and members of the MQM have breached Pakistani Electoral legislation in as much they have received ‘prohibited’ funds from the Indian government. This also constitutes breaches of criminal offences under Pakistan and UK legislation thereby making the cash and assets criminal property.”

“Interviews under caution were conducted with Tariq Mir and Mohammad Anwar in 2012 in relation to a separate investigation. During the interviews both Mr Mir and Mr Anwar stated that MQM was receiving funding from the Indian government.”

Comment by Riaz Haq on July 1, 2015 at 10:14pm

Scotland Yard says leaked #MQM-#India paper ‘genuine police document’ via @sharethis

LONDON: The Scotland Yard has confirmed that one of the two documents being circulated about the MQM related money-laundering investigation is a “genuine police document” however, the second one is “not recognised as a genuine police document”.

Speaking to Geo News, a spokesman for the Scotland Yard, when asked to comment to clarify or validate, said that one of the documents “appears to be a genuine police document and a second we do not recognise as a police document”. This correspondent understands that the police now officially own the document which has been released in reference to Sarfraz Merchant while disowns the document in circulation in relation to Tariq Mir.

Scotland Yard warned that the leakage of such documents could have a “possible prejudicial effect” on the “ongoing police investigation”. The spokesman further said: “We are not investigating a possible leak in relation to this matter and will not be drawn into discussing any further documents that may be given to the media by third parties.”

Meanwhile, officers from Scotland Yard’s Counter Terrorism Command Unit investigating the money-laundering case related to the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) visited the residence of Karachi businessman Sarfraz Merchant to check his “welfare” after a paper linked with the inquiry was mysteriously released in media, causing media storm in Pakistan.

Sarfraz Merchant is currently being investigated by Scotland Yard for the money laundering case involving the MQM and other suspects, among others, include Altaf Hussain, Muhammad Anwar and Tariq Mir. On Tuesday, a “pre-interview briefing paper” was leaked on social media carrying the name of Sarfraz Merchant as the interviewee.

The paper, written by the police, stated that the MQM was being investigated for receiving funds from the Indian government for its operations and that its assets and cash might be criminal because of the alleged illegal origins. The document also confirmed that two senior MQM leaders had confirmed under oath that two senior MQM leaders had confessed under oath to the British police that they had received funds from the Indian government. The BBC had said the same thing in its report last week, stressing that the MQM was being investigated for accepting prohibited foreign funds the Indian authorities – believed to the country’s top spy agency called RAW.

Police sources confirmed that they had visited Mr Merchant to ask about his well-being and also about the leaked document. When contacted by The News, Sarfraz Merchant confirmed that the police officers were concerned about his safety and security and reviewed the security arrangements. He said: “I have told the police the truthabout the leak. I informed the police about the two men who may have leaked this information in the public domain.”

Sarfraz Merchant had earlier told Geo News that he had shared the document with two MQM linked men who are believed to have leaked it. He confirmed that the document was authentic but not released by him. He also shared his security concerns with the police. It’s understood that the police have stepped up security around the area where Sarfraz Merchant lives.

Sarfraz Merchant, along with Tariq Mir, was arrested in the first week of December 2013 by the Scotland Yard investigators from his central London home and remains on the police ban. He says he was made part of the investigation after making a loan payment of around half a million pounds to two MQM related bank accounts. He stresses that he had never been involved in money-laundering or any other illegal activity.

MQM says that it will not comment on any aspect of the investigation and will make its stance known to the police or to the jury if charges are brought. MQM says it’s fully cooperating with the police and will defend itself against all allegations.

Comment by Riaz Haq on July 2, 2015 at 7:16am

Dr. Shahid Masood on latest leaked document:

shdmsd shws antheriasd(1) by grabvideos

Comment by Riaz Haq on July 2, 2015 at 8:04am

The Indian (Express) newspaper alleges that one of the Pakistani officials has claimed that individuals linked to the party received multiple remittances through Dubai’s RAK Bank from one Jasmine Valley General Trading through 2011, 2012 and 2013, totaling just under $ 1.5 million. The fact that Jasmine Valley has Indian nationals as owners, the source alleged, meant that it could be a RAW front.

However, the public record shows that Jasmine Valley, far from being an entity fronting for Indian intelligence, is itself being prosecuted by the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence. The DRI, in 2001, filed charges against multiple entities linked to Jasmine Valley, saying the firm was used to under-invoice imports from Italy, China and Spain to avoid Customs duties.

“It seems to be one of many similar shell companies in Dubai that engage in dubious financial practices,” an Indian government source familiar with the case said. “There are lots of firms in the Emirates that will move money around for you for a fee.”

According to the report published by The Indian Express, several phone calls were made to numbers listed in Dubai business directories for Jasmine Valley, but they were all either switched off, or did not respond.

No email address is listed for Jasmine Valley in any of six business directories this newspaper searched; only a post box address is available.

When contacted by The Indian Express, Anwar did not respond to requests for a comment. 

Comment by Riaz Haq on July 2, 2015 at 2:46pm

, deny getting money.Will they sue in Court as Galloway sued Telegraph and won?

Comment by Riaz Haq on March 16, 2016 at 1:15pm

2014 US Court Order declared a terrorist organization under Patriot Act.

In 1997, Ahmed fled from Pakistan to the United States and sought asylum on the basis
of government persecution for his involvement with the MQM. Compl. ¶ 35. During both his
asylum interview and immigration hearing, Ahmed fully disclosed his involvement with and
work on behalf of the MQM.
Compl. ¶ 36. On December 2, 1998, an immigration judge
granted his request for asylum. Compl. ¶¶ 36, 38.
After an initial denial on unrelated grounds, on February 14, 2006, Ahmed filed a Form I-
485 application for adjustment of immigration status to legal permanent resident. Compl. ¶¶ 39-
41. On February 13, 2008, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”)
denied Ahmed’s application on the basis that he was a current member of the MQM-A.2
Ex. 5, at 3. UCSIS found that the MQM, and its factions the MQM-A and MQM-H, met the
contemporary definition of an undesignated or “Tier III” terrorist organization under the
Immigration and Naturalization Act (“INA”). Compl. Ex. 5, at 4; see 8 U.S.C. §
1182(a)(3)(B)(vi)(III). Although the immigration judge that had granted Ahmed asylum had
found him admissible, Ahmed was now inadmissible as an alien who “has engaged in a terrorist
activity,” 8 U.S.C. § 1182(a)(3)(B)(i)(I), and an alien who is a representative of a “group that
endorses or espouses terrorist activity,” 8 U.S.C. § 1182(a)(3)(B)(i)(IV). Id. Since the time of
Ahmed’s grant of asylum in 1998, the USA PATRIOT Act, Pub. L. No. 107-56, 115 Stat. 272
(2001), and the REAL ID Act, Pub. L. No. 109-13, 119 Stat. 302 (2005), expanded the terrorismrelated
grounds under which aliens may be deemed inadmissible. 

Comment by Riaz Haq on March 26, 2016 at 8:31am

Dispose of the notion that #India does not do covert operations (#terrorism) against #Pakistan. #RAW … via @thewire_in

Pakistan’s Dunya News channel said that Jadhav had been arrested from the Chaman area of Balochistan, that his address in Mumbai was No 502B Silver Oak, Powai, Hiranandani Gardens and that he had a passport no. L9630722, with a valid Iranian visa made out in the name of Hussein Mubarak Patel. The channel said that Jadhav had joined RAW in 2013 and was initially based in Chabahar, the port in Iran which India is helping to develop.

The Indian Express has confirmed that Jadhav does indeed live where the Pakistani report says he does, is the son of a former police official in Mumbai, and is a businessman who had interests around the world, though it has not figured out what business he does.


The first big question is why a commander-level officer would be involved in a cross-border operation. His rank is the equivalent of a lieutenant colonel in the army, and officers of this rank run operations from a distance, they don’t participate in them. 


What the Jadhav arrest has done is to bring to the public domain the covert war that India is fighting against Pakistan. We know a lot about the Pakistani war against India, but not so much about the Indian effort. It also opens up the possibility that this war, bitter though it may be, can also be fought with some rules – principally, that arrested agents are treated with dignity, not just by those who arrest them, but in their own home country after they return.

Spies who have served the country with great fortitude and suffered torture and long terms of imprisonment are left to rot when and if they manage to return home, usually after long spells of imprisonment. This is in stark contrast to the practices of countries like Russia, Israel, the US or Britain, which sticks by its men, and, in the right circumstances quietly arranges exchanges.

Comment by Riaz Haq on October 15, 2016 at 9:29am

#BBC journalist Owen Bennet Jones: Money laundering charges against #MQM dropped for political reasons. #AltafHusain

Money laundering charges against Muttahida Qaumi Movement founder could have been dropped for political reasons, British journalist Owen Bennett Jones who has followed the case closely said in an interview with BBC Urdu on Friday.

“Two senior leaders of the MQM confessed to the London police that India had funded them. There statements were recorded with the police. Police gave their case to the Crown Prosecution Service which faced international pressure and thought it is better to drop the case in view of public interest,” he said.

He called this development a victory for MQM. “It’s a big victory for MQM. It is an important turn in the several year long investigation. Money laundering was an important aspect of the murder case. It was thought that [amid the pressure] MQM will split.”

The London police, he said, raided that MQM founder’s house to probe the Imran Farooq murder case. But they instead found a huge amount of money and list of weapons in his house, which triggered the money laundering investigation.

Scotland Yard announced on Thursday that no “further action will be taken against Altaf Hussain” and others in the long-running money-laundering case, deciding to drop the investigation altogether and effectively ensuring that the sensitive evidence involved in this case doesn’t go to public for fear of causing rifts between Pakistan, the UK and India.

The case against the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Chief Altaf Hussain started in the end of 2012 when the police found a large amount of cash at the MQM’s International Secretariat. Scotland Yard said during the course of investigation that it had “credible evidence that the MQM received funds from the Indian government sources and broke the electoral laws of Pakistan and the UK”.

Comment by Riaz Haq on October 31, 2016 at 7:50pm

#MQM's #London-based Chief #AltafHusain coming to the United States of #America to raise funds

The chief of the London faction of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Altaf Hussain, who is facing a ‘severe’ financial crisis, is set to fly to the Unites States soon after the elections there, Nadeem Nusrat, the party’s second-in-command, told The Express Tribune.

Nadeem Nusrat, however, did not clarify how and when Altaf Hussain would go to the US.

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The visit, referred to as a ‘political’ tour, is expected to last as long as three weeks during which Hussain is expected to hold meetings with ‘important government officials’, representatives of think tanks, besides delivering lectures at various universities.

He is virtually banned from conducting politics in the country. Authorities are persistently moving against his party. His once-close ‘lieutenants’ have dissociated themselves from him. He is wanted in a number of cases, in Pakistan, ranging from murder to sedition. And his accounts are running out of money.

A source in the MQM-London said that the visit is planned to gain US support and apply indirect pressure on Pakistan government, urging them to end the ongoing crackdown against party workers loyal to his faction.

“[Hussain] has been receiving invitations from America for quite some time. Party workers (over there) wanted him to visit by the end of this year. The plan has, however, been delayed,” said Nusrat, who returned to London from the US on Saturday afternoon.

Asked if the MQM chief was medically fit to go on such a flight the party convener said that he was fine and fit to travel.

Nusrat agreed that the party leaders in London had been facing a financial crunch over the past two-and-a-half-year period and the situation worsened over the past few months. Funds routed from Pakistan have completely dried, leaving them with no option but to seek funds from their comrades living in other countries.

According to MQM insiders, the party followed a rigid fund raising regime. But, all channels for routing money to London have been shut down.

Analysts believe that the August 23 decision of Farooq Sattar to divorce the entire London leadership had hurt Hussain. “He feels isolated. The Pakistan leadership, including those who got elected to assemblies on the party tickets doled out by him, stopped supporting him,” said Nadeem Nusrat.

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Although the MQM-London tried to re-enter mainstream politics with a new left-leaning team, spearheaded by Dr Hasan Zafar Arif, Momin Khan Momin and Amjadullah Khan, the authorities thwarted their collective attempt to take off the party by sending them all to jail.

The London leadership is still in contact with “people in Karachi”, maintained Nusrat.

Workers, he said, were being told to maintain a ‘low-profile’ until the situation improved.

According to one party source, Nadeem Nusrat has consistently been communicating to party workers loyal to Hussain to hold steadfast “until Altaf Hussain travels to the US”.

Comment by Riaz Haq on June 21, 2020 at 10:33am

#Pakistan’s #MQM party received funding from #India , claims ex-head of diplomatic wing Anwar. He says MQM has been receiving funds from the Indian government and he was asked by its leadership to coordinate with Indian contacts to receive it. GulfToday

The former head of the diplomatic wing of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and the Coordination Committee member Muhammad Anwar has alleged that the party has been receiving funds from the Indian government and he was asked by its leadership to coordinate with Indian contacts to receive the funding.
He denied having anything to do with the murder of Dr Imran Farooq and said that it was Nadeem Nusrat who introduced him to an Indian diplomat in early 90’s. Nusrat, MQM’s former Coordination Committee member, now lives in Washington and runs his own organisation.

Speculations have also existed that the MQM received monies from India’s spy agency RAW (Research & Analysis Wing) but this is for the first time that a former senior office-bearer like Anwar has officially accused MQM of being involved with India’s spy agency over a period of time.

Anwar revealed in an exclusive interview with The News and Geo at his home in Edgware London that "it was sometime in the early 90’s when Nadeem Nusrat came to me and told me that he would like me to meet an Indian diplomat. He asked me to meet the Indian diplomat alone but I refused and told him that he should accompany too. It was at 7 o clock in the evening and it was raining heavily that day. Nadeem Nusrat, on my insistence, went with me to the meeting but stood outside the venue.”

Anwar said he told the Indian diplomat that he will discuss issues with him only in the presence of his senior, Nusrat. The Indian diplomat told Anwar he had instructions only to speak to him and not to anyone else. "I told him that I will not speak to him on my own. After making a call to someone and after about half an hour’s argument, he received permission and then Nusrat joined us too. This is how I got connected.”

Anwar said that it was never his decision to meet Indian diplomats and deal with them. "I confirm that I was obeying orders of the party. I was asked to do what I did and I was connected by MQM with the Indian contacts. I never had any vested interests. We were towing the party line on India.”'

Anwar said that his own colleagues in MQM — Pakistan and UK created a bad impression about him, projected him as the only bad person whereas the reality is that each and every person in the leadership position shared responsibilities and all decisions were taken in consultations with each other.

He said that the MQM-Pakistan leaders were projecting themselves today as holier than thou but he said that the Karachi based leadership was responsible for large-scale killings and destructions in the city. "The so-called civilised leaders that you see on TV these days were the ones who were always offering to Altaf Hussain to inform them who to maim, kill and burn. I am ready to share details with authorities about their deeds. Over the years, they have blamed me only to launder themselves as clean guys. That’s not the case.”

Last week, Anwar was named as absconder, with Altaf Hussain and Iftikhar Hussain, in the Dr Imran Farooq murder case by Islamabad’s Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC).

He said that the judgment quotes Khalid Shamim as saying that in 2005 he called Dr Imran from Dublin and spoke to them both over the speaker and in the same conversation, Anwar allegedly asked him to kill the slain MQM leader.

Anwar said the late Asma Jahangir called MQM’s office on May 12, 2007 and told the London office that MQM people were involved in killing innocent people and pleaded to the party leadership to stop the carnage in Karachi during Pervez Musharraf’s government.


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